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A Govt. of India Recognised Star Export House

Steefo Engineering Corporation is one of ....the leading

Consultants, Manufacturers and Exporters of Steel Plants specializing in executing projects on turnkey basis.

Global Clients

  1. Bangladesh
  2. Mali
  3. Ghana
  4. Saudi Arabia
  5. Jordan
  6. Qatar
  7. Uganda
  8. Rwanda
  9. Kenya
  10. Mauritius
  11. Zimbabwe
  12. Angola
  13. D. R. of Congo
  14. Ethiopia
  15. Sri Lanka
  16. India
  • India
  • Sri Lanka
  • Dubai
  • Ethiopia
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Jordan
  • Qatar
  • D R Congo
  • Angola
  • Bangladesh
  • Zimbabwe
  • Mauritius
  • Kenya
  • Rwanda
  • Uganda
  • Ghana
  • Mali